Fitz. A One-of-a-Kind Human.

Man… John Fitzgerald was one-of-a-kind.

3 years ago today, I got a call from one of our mutual friends. Hysterically, she said Fitz had passed away.

To me, she was lying. To me, it was sick joke. I even asked if it was REALLLLY her.

It was. Fitz had passed away abruptly.

Just before the world stopped for a pandemic, and now, a few years later, I could REALLLLLLLLLY really selfishly use him around for the jokes, stories, banter, and friendship.

I often imagine heaven being quite the hilarious party since Fitz passed.

I consistently wonder what his take on the past three years would’ve been not only with everything that I’ve gone through personally, but just the way the world works, and has so selfishly crushed people in its grip along the way…

I can wholeheartedly guarantee that even now, even to this day, he would bring a room full of laughter for all.

Man, I miss that dude.




GALLERY: Linville Falls, North Carolina